Update: Digitize that bottle!!!!
I'm having a lot of trouble with the bottle, actually. Between juggling other midterm projects and trying to figure out the weird truncated cone shape at the bottom I've been a little stuck. I feel like I'm on the edge of breaking through and completing the project but for now I'm stumped. So, to sum up what I've achieved - I created the cap using extremely fine triangles and the extrude tools, and used the caliper to measure out the size of the bottom of the bottle. I had to do a bunch of maths to figure out the size and number of triangles I need, finding the circumference and the arc length of the base of each triangle, then dividing the circumference by the arc length. I then used the rotate/copy tool to line the entire circumference of a circle with the triangles, and extruded it to form a cap. I also made a smaller cylinder inside and used boolean split to make the cap hollow. For the bottle base, so far I've made the hollow shape on the bottom of t...