Episode 4: A New Hoppe(r)

Episode 4: A New Hoppe(r)

It's your girl Dee again back with another OBDF class. First off we got into Grasshopper and brushed through some tutorials.

Lesson 1: Interface Basics

Basically we just had to make lines with Grasshopper, then link lines in Grasshopper to points in Rhino. EZ.
Making lines

Matching to Points

Lesson 2: Multiple Components

Manual Divide Line
This time with Grasshopper
This time with a slidey lil guy

Lesson 3: Refining a Definition

It's getting funky

Lesson 4: Basics Questions and Answers

Same thing but different, divlength
baked like bread or someone after 420

Lesson 5: Creating Biarcs

Do the Wave
It's a fat lil boy

Lesson 6: Displaying the Definition with Colors

trans colored worm

Lesson 7: Lofting Multiple Curves in GH
Same thing as the final stretch of Lesson 5 I guess?

Lesson 8: Creating Components with Custom Default

Just some sneaky little tricks to speed up workflow!

 Bonus: Tsuchinoko Real and Also Gay

Famous Cryptid Tsuchinoko confirmed Pride Snake




It's definitely not easy jumping back into OBDF after an extended absence. Grasshopper is a completely different beast to Rhino too, so it's DOUBLY tricky. I still don't know enough about constructing solids to effectively utilize Grasshopper yet (as you can see I was unable to close up the nose of the Tsuchinoko because of it, but with time I'm sure I'll get the hang of things. So far using Algorithms to construct shapes definitely has notable possibilities - you can tweak a lot of things without needing to get into the mess of things to fiddle with points as such, and has the potential to be a lot more sleek - with practice. I definitely look forward to making and learning more Grasshopper.


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